Post-production on "Tinder Mercies" almost complete

Stepping out into new territory, we're excited  to announce the imminent arrival of "Tinder Mercies" our first foray into a romantic comedy, but done with our unique AMF twist.  Working from a script from Jacqueline Firkins, location scouting for the film late last year and we went to camera the last weekend of January 2017.  Starring the extremely funny and talented Lauren Jackson and Andrew McNee, the short tells the tale of Jill and Jack, two potentially star-crossed lovers who only need to get out of their own ways and let Cupid do his work.  In a social media age where the drive to make your Facebook feed look as shiny and happy as possible, is there still room for being your true self and letting it all hang out?

Making the film was a great experience, drawing on the talents and generosity of many fine folks, with  especially big shout-outs going to Jason Cooper for his picture editing and visual effects work, and Pieter Stathis and our friends at RAW Camera for making everything look so pretty.  The film's dangerously close to being done, festival applications begin soon, and we're looking forward to sharing it with all of you!